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Please ensure you download and fill out the decontamination certificate

Download Certificate
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Fill in the form below and attach your completed decontamination certificate

Complete Form
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Once a Purchase Order is issued, you can send your blade to us

Address Details

A completed decontamination certificate and an official purchase order must accompany all knives. Appropriate knife boxes must be used. If a knife is received in an unsuitable container, a box will be supplied and charged to the customer [see prices below].

Customers will be advised if the knife is too badly damaged or worn for economical re-sharpening. Re-sharpened knives are normally dispatched within one week of receipt. Please allow £15.00 for delivery and packing within the UK. Please refer to our factory for postage and packing costs for knives coming in from abroad.

Knife Sharpening Useful Information



Knife Sharpening & Regrinding Service Price List

Decontamination Certificate

Address Label to Send Your Blades

Knife Sharpening Service Form

    " *" indicates required fields

    Knife to be sharpened (Please Select)

    * When knife/s are received they will be inspected if they need grinding. You will be contacted if we feel this will benefit the service. Once your application has been submitted and reviewed we will contact you with an official quote.

    Knife to be sharpened (Please Select)

    Send Your Blade(s):

    Once a decontamination certificate has been filled in and a Purchase Order issued, you can send your blade to:

    Bright Instrument Co Limited
    Burnett House,
    Lakeview Court,
    Ermine Business Park,
    Cambs PE29 6UA